Search Results

We found 51 results for the Advocate Network category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to Vancouver siblings invent bookmark that gives back

Vancouver siblings invent bookmark that gives back

For Elias, 14, Eowyn, 12, and Aerial, 11, from Vancouver, B.C., creativity has always been in their bones. In fact, it’s in their DNA. Their dad, Eric Hennessey, is an entrepreneur who runs multiple businesses in a way that allows him optimum time to spend on his true passion: travelling with his three beautiful kids. Over the years, the imaginative trio has put their creativity into action through small businesses.

date: October 1, 2020
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Links to Quotes to inspire a compassionate lifestyle

Quotes to inspire a compassionate lifestyle

As Christ-followers, we hold close to our hearts the call to be people of compassion and love. And even though we are in isolation, and our methods may need to change, the call still remains. Some days it can be difficult and even discouraging to mourn the ways we used to be able to serve […]

date: May 21, 2020
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Links to 3 ways to volunteer in a time of isolation

3 ways to volunteer in a time of isolation

As you try to reconcile this time of being at home with your desire to serve God and serve people, consider these three ways to be His hands and feet as a volunteer in a time of isolation.

date: April 19, 2020
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Links to WATCH: Take a (virtual) trip with this Calgary couple to meet their Compassion child

WATCH: Take a (virtual) trip with this Calgary couple to meet their Compassion child

Timothy and Abigail are a couple from Calgary, Alberta who are committed Compassion sponsors and volunteers. In 2018, they had the opportunity to travel to the Philippines to meet the child they sponsor, James! We thought you’d enjoy watching their mini documentary about their trip, which they recently shared on their YouTube channel. If you’re […]

date: April 17, 2020
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Links to A Canadian pastor shares about seeing God’s compassion for children in poverty

A Canadian pastor shares about seeing God’s compassion for children in poverty

This trip was eye-opening, heart-breaking, mission-inspiring and partnership-affirming.

date: February 20, 2020
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Links to 7 stunning photos of beaches around the world

7 stunning photos of beaches around the world

[3 minute read] Missing the sun? Take a (virtual) trip to the beach with us.

date: February 6, 2020
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Links to Comparing the 20’s: How the world has changed in 100 years

Comparing the 20’s: How the world has changed in 100 years

We’re back in the 20’s! Here are a few events that happened in the 1920s are still having ripple effects today.

date: January 30, 2020
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Links to Star Baseball Player Makes Life-Changing Impact with Compassion

Star Baseball Player Makes Life-Changing Impact with Compassion

22 years ago, Major League Baseball star, Albert Pujols, left the Dominican Republic. But the Dominican Republic never left him.

date: October 31, 2019
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Links to #PasstheMilk Update: Felix got a cow!

#PasstheMilk Update: Felix got a cow!

In this story: How Canadians made a massive impact through Giving Tuesday 2018 How a cow is changing the life of a mother-son duo in Rwanda ____ Do you remember Felix? His mother, Freya*, struggled to provide Felix and his siblings with their basic needs because of her HIV. The local Rwandan church saw many […]

date: August 29, 2019
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Links to What happened when she met her sponsored child and his mom

What happened when she met her sponsored child and his mom

In this article: A Canadian mom travels to Honduras to see the difference sponsorship makes. Reflections on motherhood from meeting her sponsored child’s mom. Five ways families can practice gratitude and generosity. ____ I met Maria two years ago. It was a hot summer day, the smell of fried fish and french fries mixed with […]

date: August 22, 2019
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